MUMC Virtual Donations Are Welcomed!

Online giving is fast. It’s simple.
Whether you're out of town, unable to attend church due to weather, illness or a family emergency; MUMC is making it easier for you to help your church be more efficient, and have a steady, predictable cash flow to support the works that are important to you, throughout the year.
While we are not able to gather for worship, the expenses of the church continue, so having a steady cash flow makes it easier to manage the finances of the church. Your bank offers several free electronic options to make a payment:
1) Bill Pay - This is a feature where you instruct your bank to pay a payee (Mayo United Methodist Church) and the bank sends a check to the church on your behalf. Please be sure to enter our full address listed on the footer of this page.
2) Electronic Transfer - Venmo, PayPal, etc. - This allows you to transfer funds directly to the church’s bank account.

Questions you may ask:
1. What if I want to split my contribution to designate some money to a special cause?
That’s easy, there’s a memo line, just like on a paper check, where you could write instructions that will be included with your offering.
2. Can I make just one payment?
Yes - you can set up one payment and be done.
3. Can I set up a recurring payment?
Yes - you can set an amount you want to pay each week or month or quarter, and let the bank do it automatically.
4. Can I stop a recurring electronic payment?
Yes - just as easy as it is to set up, you can easily turn off the recurring payment.
5. Can I continue this after we resume worship at MUMC?
Yes - this is an easy, modern way to make your offering, even if you are on vacation and unable to make it to church.

A love offering for our many outreach ministries is part of our service of Holy Communion.
Help MUMC support one of our many initiatives that support our community.
Window Dedications
Backpack Buddies
Altar Flowers
Special Sundays
Wendy Spain Emergency Fund
Bikers Against Child Abuse
Spring Fling